Number of syllables in the word 'scope'
Find out how many syllables are there in the word scope.
- No of syllables in scope : 1
- Divide syllables in scope : scope
More about the word - scope
- noun
- Synonyms : telescopic sight
- Definition : The breadth, depth or reach of a subject; a domain.
- Definition : A device used in aiming a projectile, through which the person aiming looks at the intended target.
- Definition : Opportunity; broad range; degree of freedom.
- Definition : The region of program source code in which a given identifier is meaningful, or a given object can be accessed.
- verb
- Definition : To perform a cursory investigation of; scope out.
- Definition : To perform any medical procedure that ends in the suffix -scopy, such as endoscopy, colonoscopy, bronchoscopy, etc.
- Definition : To limit (an object or variable) to a certain region of program source code.
- Definition : To examine under a microscope.
How does it work ?
It's based on a combination of a simple algorithm and a fast dictionary dataset to perform the quick lookup of syllables. If you find any error please report so I can fix it ASAP. Additional details about the words are fetched through open source APIs and the sources mentioned above.