Number of syllables in the word 'posting'

Find out how many syllables are there in the word posting.

  1. No of syllables in posting : 2
  2. Divide syllables in posting : post-ing

More about the word - posting

  1. verb
  2. Definition : To hang (a notice) in a conspicuous manner for general review.
  3. Definition : To hold up to public blame or reproach; to advertise opprobriously; to denounce by public proclamation.
  4. Definition : To carry (an account) from the journal to the ledger.
  5. Definition : To inform; to give the news to; to make acquainted with the details of a subject; often with up.
  1. verb
  2. Definition : To travel with relays of horses; to travel by post horses, originally as a courier.
  3. Definition : To travel quickly; to hurry.
  4. Definition : To send (an item of mail etc.) through the postal service.
  5. Definition : (horse-riding) To rise and sink in the saddle, in accordance with the motion of the horse, especially in trotting.
  1. verb
  2. Definition : To enter (a name) on a list, as for service, promotion, etc.
  3. Definition : To assign to a station; to set; to place.
  1. noun
  2. Synonyms : post
  3. Definition : The action of the verb to post.
  4. Definition : An item inserted into a register, ledger or diary.
  5. Definition : A message posted to a computerized bulletin board, a newsgroup, a blog, etc.
  6. Definition : The place where a soldier or airman is posted for duty; the time spent there.


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It's based on a combination of a simple algorithm and a fast dictionary dataset to perform the quick lookup of syllables. If you find any error please report so I can fix it ASAP. Additional details about the words are fetched through open source APIs and the sources mentioned above.

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