Number of syllables in the word 'march'

Find out how many syllables are there in the word march.

  1. No of syllables in march : 1
  2. Divide syllables in march : march

More about the word - march

  1. noun
  2. Synonyms : advancement, process, progression, parade, protest, rally
  3. Definition : A formal, rhythmic way of walking, used especially by soldiers, bands and in ceremonies.
  4. Definition : A political rally or parade
  5. Definition : Any song in the genre of music written for marching (see Wikipedia's article on this type of music)
  6. Definition : Steady forward movement or progression.
  1. verb
  2. Definition : To walk with long, regular strides, as a soldier does.
  3. Definition : To cause someone to walk somewhere.
  4. Definition : To go to war; to make military advances.
  5. Definition : To make steady progress.


How does it work ?

It's based on a combination of a simple algorithm and a fast dictionary dataset to perform the quick lookup of syllables. If you find any error please report so I can fix it ASAP. Additional details about the words are fetched through open source APIs and the sources mentioned above.

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